When you have a central HVAC unit in your home, there are many different things to take into consideration. Just like taking care of a pet, your HVAC system should be held in the same regard (to a certain extent).
Sometimes, certain matters go unseen for quite some time, which could lead to much bigger problems down the road. To keep your unit working at its prime, here are some tips that every homeowner should know and use:
Programmable Thermostats are the Way to Go
It might seem a little far-fetched, but it’s true: some homeowners are a tad hesitant to adjust their thermostat. Whether you’re feeling hot or cold, of course, your thermostat will be the device to help bring your home’s temperature to the one you desire. If using a standard, out-dated thermostat might make you a bit weary, it may be wise to look into a programmable thermostat.
Known to be the future of thermostats, these “smart thermostats” will help you get much simpler, custom control over the temperature in your home — and it can all be controlled from (you guessed it) your smartphone! In addition to making the bond between homeowner and HVAC unit much more simplistic, it’s also a great way to help save energy and keep track of the health of your HVAC system!
If There’s a Thunderstorm, Turn Off Your AC Unit
Believe it or not, this is something that’s not discussed often — but if there’s a thunderstorm in the area, turn off your central AC. The reason being is that many central air conditioners are “plugged in” to the electrical service drop, which is the part that distributes power to your home (and are usually located on the roof). Now, if a stray bolt of lightning hits this piece, then there’s a higher risk of having a power surge and damaging your AC altogether.
If you’re looking to stay cool, there are some other ways to do so — just keep in mind which would work best during a storm and which ones to avoid (i.e., opening the windows).
The Minute You Hear a Strange Noise, Get it Repaired ASAP
Sometimes, a homeowner might turn on their HVAC unit and hear an eclectic array of strange, startling noises. While they may seem harmless, at first, it’s essential to turn off your unit right away and have it repaired as soon as possible. These harmless sounds may indicate that there’s a loose part, a broken part, or even worse: something is hitting the fan inside of the compressor.
No matter how severe the noise might be (or might not be), it’s essential to always take precautions to not only help protect your unit but to protect your home and overall well-being in the process, too.
When You Need HVAC Assistance, Give Dr. Mitch a Call!
At Mitch Wright Plumbing, Heating & Air, we are here for all of your cooling, heating, and plumbing needs, which is why we happen to offer 24/7 emergency services. For more information on the services we provide, visit us on the web or give us a call at (901) 795-9044.