Here's Why You Should Only Do Full Loads of Laundry

Q: What’s a homeowner’s least-favorite chore to complete? A: The laundry. While this is not the case for every homeowner, it is common to put the task off due to a lack of interest.

When you’re doing the laundry, do you wash a few garments at a time or do you tend to do a heap all at once? Well, if you’re a fan of the latter, then we have some good news for you:

Helps Save Water

Sure, it might seem like a great idea to do your laundry every few days, doing smaller loads at a time — but this isn’t the best option. The fact of the matter is that this will cause you to use much more water than you realize, which can increase your water bill each month. When you happen to do a full load of laundry, you’ll be cutting back on the amount of water you’re using altogether; always a significant benefit.

Helps Save Detergent

If you’re like most households, you know that not only is laundry detergent expensive, it’s also something that runs low much more frequently than you’d like it to. In addition to conserving water, reducing the number of times you do laundry will also help cut back on the amount of laundry detergent you go through in a week. When you do a full load, you’ll only have to use a cap-full — nothing more. Over time, you’ll start to notice that you won’t have to replace your laundry detergent as frequently — which is always a plus.

Helps Save Energy

Unfortunately, solar-powered washing machines aren’t being mass-produced any time soon — so using your standard, electric washer will make a dent in your energy bill, primarily if you use your washer frequently. Doing a full load of laundry will help you use your washing machine much less and will help cut back on energy consumption as a whole!

Did You Encounter a Plumbing Problem When Using Your Washer?

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