
Eco-friendly Tips on How to Wash the Dishes

June 6, 2019


Believe it or not, there’s an eco-friendly way to do just about anything.
Whether it’s doing laundry or cleaning your kitchen, there are some
greener methods to get each task done, which will help lessen your carbon footprint. One
of the best tasks to “greenify” is washing the dishes. Sure,
it might seem harmless using just soap, water, and possibly a dishwasher
but you’re more than likely wasting water and energy.

Throw out Scraps

Do you have a dishwasher that claims you don’t have to rinse your
dishes before loading them? Sure, that’s a dream come true for most
homeowners, but that extra rinse cycle to remove scraps will use more
water than you think. In order to cut back on your dishwasher usage, start
discarding scraps into a nearby garbage can, then give each dish/utensil
a quick rinse in the sink. By practicing this, you’ll be cutting
back on the dishwasher’s job and saving water (in addition to money
on your water bill) in the process.

Fully-stocked Dishwasher

When you think of your dishwasher, which is probably the most-used appliance
in your home, it’s important to make sure that every square inch
of the machine is packed to the brim. Granted, you don’t want to
overload your dishwasher, but an appliance that has more dishes and utensils
will be the much more eco-friendly route, since you’ll have to do
fewer loads.

The Soak Method

If you wash your dishes by hand, then you’re also cutting back on
energy consumption! Now, if you have a
double sink in your home, you’re in for a great green-way to do your dishes!
The next time you let the water run in your sink, halfway fill one side
with warm, soapy water and turn the faucet off.

Next, halfway fill the other side with warm water — but with no soap.
Once complete, start by dipping each plate and scrub/wipe down in the
soapy water side. Once all plates are cleaned, dip them in the clean water
side, let them dry and you’ll be good to go! Granted, this requires
filling each basin with water, but when you do dishes without letting
the water run in the process, you’ll be conserving much more water!

Are you Using Even More Water Due to a Plumbing Problem?

At Mitch Wright Plumbing, Heating & Air, we are here for all of your plumbing and heating/cooling
needs, which is why we offer 24/7 emergency services. For more information
on the services we provide, visit us on the web or give us a call at (901) 795-9044.



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